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CHINO-Type Recorder E Series 12pt with Protective Case - 220v (non-linear)

This analogue 220v 12-channel CHINO-Type E Series Temperature Recorder has a recording range of 0°C to 1200°C and comes with an aluminium Protective Case.  The unit is compatible with Type K thermocouple compensating lead connections and has an internal light fitting to illuminate both the scale and chart recordings.  Chart paper, ink and 12pt ink pad cases are also available. 

  • Dimensions: 345 H x 340 W x 487 D mm
  • Weight: 20kg
  • Voltage: 220v
  • Frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz
  • Thermocouple Type: Type K
  • No. of Channels: 12
  • Temperature Recording Range: 0°C to 1200°C
  • Ambient Temperature Range: 0°C to 50°C
  • Chart Speed: options of 12.5, 25, 50 or 100mm/hour
  • Chart Type: CHINO
1 set
Temperature Measuring Equipment & Thermocouple Attachment Units

All products in this category are portable and for Thermocouple Type K.

The CHINO-Type E Series Temperature Recorders have 12 channels, a recording range of 0° to 1200°C and optional accessories (Protective Case, Chart Paper, Ink and Ink Pad Case). Chart Papers for SEKONIC and YOKOGAWA B9627AY temperature recorders are also available.

The 6-channel Automatic Programmer allows for precise temperature control during the heat treatment process while our battery-operated Thermocouple Attachment Units are highly portable allowing for convenient applications where required.